Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Used, abused and not amused.
  A user, a taker, a trouble maker lurks in our life. And now she is in my house for about the fourth time. Seeking refuge from a very abusive situation; much of it self imposed and self inflicted. I see it as perfect example of "the hula hoop syndrome"....The same ol' stuff, going around and aroound.
   Drugs. A sassy mouth. A huge sense of entitlement. A negative attitude. Too cute for her own good. All descriptions of a young woman in the midst of a turbulent life. For over four years we have watched this tornado twist through her life. Over and over we have given refuge. Over and over we have felt used, abused and not amused.
 A pervasive odor of enabling permeates these words and in fact in may be an essence of the perfume of truth. The truth is there are many other circumstances that cloud the urge to kick her to the curb. Potential fatal results could occur and not just to the subject of my vent.
 An addiction to a violent man clouds her judgement. The reasoning behind such behaviour escapes my ability to understand. If someone were to strike me once, they would be evicted from my life at once. Catapulted out, immediately! In this case, failure to provide a safe harbor could be fatal, in my judgement. The verbal and physical abuse has always escaladed. More bruises. More vile language. More pleas for help. "Come and get me"
And then there is Violet. A precious by-product of their sexual union. She is the trump card that opens my door for her mother. Without her, it's the curb.....the Mission....NOT in my house! I find it curious that they choose the name Violet. Add the letter "N" and it very accurately defines the relationship of the father and the mother. VIOLENT.
 At some point enough is enough. Love, patience and tolerance can only go so far. A mother's protection of a loved daughter is stretched like a thin rubber band protecting a large Sunday newspaper. We're used and abused like that Sunday paper on the bottom of a birdcage. And we are NOT amused. God, please help us!


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