Wednesday, December 15, 2010


  What does it mean? My new shirt fit. I'm fit to be tied. My job was a good fit. I am physically fit. Something suits you just fine....a state of being satisfied.....being as well as you can be are my definitons. Webster says "1.well suited. good condition.  3.- v. be or make suitable. 4.-n. manner of fitting. 6. sudden attack of illness or emotion. So, I guess I had it about right.
  A wordsmith I am not, but feel compelled to try this blogging stuff out for awhile. I have time. I love to read and have read other blogs; some interesting. Some, not so much. I did just okay in English compostion at Linfield College.  Right now I am fit to be tied because I am not very physically fit, however retirement fits me just fine. Thank you God!
  Most of my life I have been pretty physically fit. Sports and other physical activity had been a major focus of my adolescent years.  Physical exercise and jobs were a mainstay of my adult years as well. Participation in football, wrestling, track and physical summer jobs/activites were youthful pursuits helping me form a young boy's body into a man's. A college scholarship to play football and wrestle followed. After a period of military service and employment to just get paid, I found my life's work.
  I've always enjoyed physical exercise and work. Coupled with that was a label from others as "a people person". I tried pure sales work and found that though I enjoyed people I did not ejoy "conning" them into buying things they really did not need or want. A close high school buddy called one day and offered me a job as a driver/salesman in the beer business. A good fit! I liked beer. I liked people ("people person", remember) , I had experience driving large vehicles and I was selling something every customer wanted on their shelves.....BEER. A good fit.
  Being physically fit was a prerequisite and,  in turn a result of of that kind of work.
Long story made short; that led to a good job in the freight business. Thirty-plus years of a vocation that fit and made me physically fit. What doesn't kill ya, makes ya stronger!
  Retirement fits too! But as a result of a vocation that fit and being so physically fit for so many years; my body is worn OUT! Four days ago I arose from bed and almost fell on my face. My right knee and right hip locked up in pain, not wanting to be ambulatory at all! Am I to be one of those bent over old men, struggling to get down the supermarket aisle to get his oatmeal? Reliance on Aleve, Ibuprofen, Vicoden, Tylenol, Aspirin?? Canes leading to walkers, leading to wheelchair??? As I shuffle around the house from one resting spot to another I am fit to be tied!! I wanna be FIT again................and I WILL!